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best software
st lightweight terminal emulator
i3 lightweight+highly-configurable wm
- i3blocks lightweight+highly configurable status bar
- i3lock screen lock utility
yay aur helper written in go
neovim terminal text editor based off of vim
ppsspp psp emulator
mpd daemon for playing music
mopidy api for greater mpd extensibility
ncmpcpp terminal front-end for mpd w/built-in music visualizer+tag editor
pywal colorscheme generator based on wallpaper
wpgtk colorscheme generator based on wallpaper w/ greater customizability and extensibility
sc-im terminal spreadsheet editor
scrot lightweight terminal screenshot utility
ranger terminal file manager
calcurse terminal calendar and organizer
kpcli terminal password manager
youtube-dl video downloader for huge variety of sites
dunst lightweight,simple,+customizable notification daemon
mpv lightweight video/audio player that works in terminal
feh lightweight+fast image viewer
discord chat client for gamers
steam drm video game marketplace
gimp image editor
asciiplanets solar system representation in your terminal
mapscii world map in the terminal
nerd-fonts fonts with glyphs patched in
tor proxy+anonymizer
torsocks wrapper to torify applications
neomutt terminal e-mail client based off of mutt
sdcv terminal dictionary
virtualbox virtual machine manager
htop terminal process viewer
gotop visual terminal process viewer based on gtop and vtop written in go
lutris game manager, installer, and launcher
wine windows program compatability layer for linux
oomox gtk theme creator
papirus minimalist+flat icon theme
lmms digital audio workstation
itch.io indie game store
pinta image editor (paint.net clone for linux)
supertuxkart mario kart clone w/ FOSS story+characters
TORCS racing sim
neocities cli cli interface for administrating neocities site